Your Snippets
James LePage
Last Update 2 jaar geleden
The your snippet section of the application allows you to manage all generations created under your account. There are three main sections to this part of the app. 1) saved, 2) all generations, and 3) public.

When you create a generation, it is automatically saved to the all generation section of the your snippets management tool. You’ll be able to review the history of all generations that are saved on the platform.
You’re also able to save the generations that you like. This can be done from the individual snippet page after it is created, or in the generator by clicking the favorite snippet button in the upper left-hand corner after creating a generation.
Keep in mind, unsaved generations, may be wiped from CodeWP at any point. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, be sure that you save it.

Public snippets are publicly accessible. All other generations are private to your individual account. In the future, we will be adding features like peer-to-peer sharing.
Currently, only code WP staff are able to make snippet generations public.